Mineral processing automation - level detection

The level detection of the ore dressing process is mainly the material level detection, liquid level detection, foam layer detection, etc. At present, the instruments for mineral level detection in China are mainly: radar level gauge, ultrasonic level gauge, capacitive level gauge, etc. These instrumentation technologies are relatively mature, but require correct selection according to the application conditions.

Radar level gauge has high detection accuracy because it can overcome the interference of dust, which is very suitable for beneficiation application, but the price is relatively high.

Picture 13

Figure 1 Radar level gauge physical map

Ultrasonic level gauges are easily interfered by factors such as dust, and often exhibit "pre-reflection", which is difficult to apply to dusty silos.

Picture 14

Figure 2 Ultrasonic level gauge physical map

Capacitive level gauges have more accurate measurements when the physicochemical properties of the object are relatively stable and are relatively evenly distributed.

Picture 15

Figure 3 capacitive wave level meter physical map


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