Friendly communication:Sales team of Changsha Friend visit Alibaba to learn selling and management methods

Sales team of ChangshaFriend Experimental Analysis Instrument Co., Ltd visited Changsha branch of Alibaba last week. The manager of Changsha Alibaba told us about the history of Alibaba and how he becomes the biggest e-commerce platform. Additionally,he tought us some ways of selling and how to manage a team and become unitive.We exceedingly admire the company culture of Alibaba.Their mascot-Kungfu panda,looks very cute,means "after the furious storm comes the rainbow",as was showed in the film Kungfu Panda. We broadened our views and acquired more experience of work from this visit.It's really a pleasant time. Sales team took group photo in front of Alibaba Watching brief of Alibaba history Manager of Alibaba introduced company culture of Alibaba CEO of Changsha Friend delivered speech The mascot of Alibaba changsha branch-Kungfu panda

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